Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention - Summary and Key Ideas

This book provides practical applications and necessary skills for crisis situations. It covers various crisis issues and situations including suicide, homicide, violence, disasters and more, equipping counselors with the tools they need to assess and provide ethical help during all types of crisis conditions.

Specifically designed for counselors in field admission, counselors in training, as well as to various counseling specialties, providing them with holistic view on crisis intervention.

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Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention

Key ideas


Crisis management demands holistic evaluation, strategic interventions, and counselor self-care.


Counselor safety in crisis situations requires preventative planning, collaboration, and vigilant practices.

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Counselors must master ethics, laws, and crisis intervention to avoid professional negligence.

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Crisis counseling builds a safe rapport via empathetic communication, aiding client's self-understanding and positive change.

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Grief management demands individualized, culturally-sensitive approaches promoting resilience and meaning.

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Effective suicide and homicide prevention requires skilled counseling and multidimensional risk management.

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Understanding and treating substance use disorders require multifaceted, client-centered, culturally competent approaches.

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Understanding and addressing intimate partner violence demands holistic counseling approaches.

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Handling sexual violence requires compassionate survivor support and effective perpetrator rehabilitation.

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Comprehensive child sexual abuse prevention and survivor support remains a critical societal imperative.

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Military and first-responder occupations pose unique trauma-related challenges necessitating specialized counseling approaches.

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Understanding disaster impacts and applying early intervention strategies aids in effective crisis counseling.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: "Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention" written by Jackson-Cherry and Bradley T. Erford primarily delves into the conceptualized processes as well as specialized skills required for effective crisis intervention. The book is divided into two main sections which covers the fundamental principles and elements of crisis intervention and later delves into the exploration of special issues related to crisis intervention. This book introduces the Task Model of Crisis Assessment and Intervention, focusing on a comprehensive approach to assessing individuals for a more precise intervention. It also addresses essential safety concerns and ethical considerations that should guide crisis-counseling professionals. The book equips the reader with a deeper understanding of essential crisis intervention skills and an overview of specific issues like suicide, homicide, disasters, and self-care strategies for counselors.

Bradley Erford, Jackson-Cherry Lisa R.

Bradley Erford is an experienced professor from Loyola University Maryland with a profound knowledge in counseling, crisis intervention, and educational leadership. Lisa R. Jackson-Cherry is a distinguished educator from Marymount University. She is recognized for her extensive expertise in counseling, psychology, and crisis intervention.

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