Investing in U.S. Financial History - Summary and Key Ideas

This book provides deep insights into the history of almost 250 years of the world's most important financial market, the U.S. Mark Higgins follows the journey of money through several highs and lows of American history up to the present day, showing the reader that knowing the past better equips one to handle the future.

Suitable for investors, government policymakers, academic researchers, students, and individuals seeking to understand key financial, economic, and investment principles by studying them in the historical context.

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Investing in U.S. Financial History

Key ideas


U.S financial history teaches balance, phased progress, and disciplined investing strategies.


Alexander Hamilton's reforms transformed the U.S into an economic powerhouse post-revolution.

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1790s U.S. securities emergence led to first asset bubble, prompting NYSE's inception.

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Early 1800s American economic expansion underscored the cyclical nature of financial crises.

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Wall Street's rise in the 1800s showcased speculation's dual role in promoting growth and triggering financial crises.

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The American Civil War triggered economic shift, fostering financial instability and industrialization.

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Railroads fueled America's growth yet exemplified Gilded Age's progress-exploitation paradox.

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Late 1800s railroad growth fueled corruption, social injustices, and devastated Native American economies.

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Post-Civil War innovation and industrialization marked America's rise as an industrial superpower.

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Late 1800s Wall Street expansion mixed robust growth with unregulated abuses, impacting America's economic ascent.

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The 1873 financial panic led to prolonged deflation, intensifying socio-economic tensions and reshaping monetary politics.

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"The American Commercial Invasion" marked the US's rise as a global economic leader.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: The book "Investing in US Financial History" by Mark J. Higgins provides a comprehensive overview of the extensive financial and economic history of the United States, ranging from its colonial beginnings to its current status as the world’s largest economy. Higgins explores the nation's historical financial trends, emphasizing the importance of understanding the past to make forecasts for the future. The book explicates various financial principles, investment strategies and sheds light on the evolution of the asset management industry.

Mark J. Higgins

Mark J. Higgins is a well-versed financial expert with extensive knowledge in U.S. financial and economic history. His expertise lies in understanding and highlighting key financial and economic principles in the historical context, making him an insightful author for readers seeking to understand the facets of market trends and investment strategy.

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