Power Mentoring - Summary and Key Ideas

"Power Mentoring" is a guidebook that explores the concept of mentoring, emphasizing on the importance of powerful mentoring relationships in personal and professional growth. It provides practical strategies and insights for establishing, maintaining, and leveraging these relationships for maximum career advancement.

The target group for the book "Power Mentoring" is likely individuals seeking personal and professional growth, particularly those interested in mentorship relationships.

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Power Mentoring

Key ideas


"Power mentoring," a network of diverse mentors, offers a modern, multifaceted approach to career development.


Mentoring is a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters personal growth, career advancement, and organizational success.

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Successful mentors adopt distinct mental models, are drawn to protégés with specific traits, and use tests to evaluate and strengthen their mentoring relationships.

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In power mentoring relationships, protégés must initiate contact, build trust, and pass mentor's tests.

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Powerful mentoring relationships hinge on positive first impressions, regular communication, mutual respect, emotional intelligence, aligned goals, and caution against dependency or exploitation.

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Summary & Review

"Power Mentoring" by Ellen A. Ensher and Susan E. Murphy is a comprehensive guide that explores the concept of mentoring in the modern world. The authors argue that traditional one-on-one mentoring is no longer sufficient in today's fast-paced, ever-changing professional landscape. Instead, they propose a new model of mentoring, called "power mentoring," which involves having multiple mentors who can provide diverse perspectives and expertise. The book provides practical advice on how to find and cultivate these relationships, and how to leverage them for career success.

Ellen A. Ensher, Susan E. Murphy

Ellen A. Ensher is a Professor of Management at Loyola Marymount University, specializing in mentoring, career development, and diversity. Susan E. Murphy is a Professor of Psychology at Claremont McKenna College, focusing on leadership development and effectiveness.

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