The Enlightened Sex Manual - Summary and Key Ideas

In this groundbreaking manual, David Deida presents skills for achieving a deeper level of intimate embrace. Transforming simple 'skin friction' into a more profound spiritual and emotional connection, and exploring various forms of orgasm, the book shares insights into sexuality and spirituality that individuals and couples of all orientations can utilise to enrich their love lives.

This book is suitable for individuals and couples of all sexual orientations, from those looking to deepen their sexual experiences to those seeking a greater connection between sexuality and spirituality. Readers who are open-minded and are willing to experiment with their understanding of intimacy and pleasure would find this book beneficial.

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The Enlightened Sex Manual

Key ideas


Breath and openness transform sex into a profound, spiritual experience.


Enlightening sex involves retraining the nervous system, clearing energy blocks, and sustaining high energy levels.

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Enlightened sex merges technical training with emotional openness for deeper fulfillment.

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Frequent ejaculation may deplete energy over time, influencing optimal health and wellbeing.

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Women's orgasms vary in depth and intensity, influencing emotional openness and sexual relationships.

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Orgasmic response in women varies vastly, influenced by trust, safety, and personal energy flow.

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Relaxation and deep breathing during prolonged sex enhances energy flow and intimacy.

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Harness sexual energy for deeper intimacy, ecstasy, and spiritual connection.

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Harnessing sexual energy through breath and pelvic floor control empowers vitality and healing.

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Enlightened intimacy requires unabated openness and vulnerability, even amidst pain.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: The Enlightened Sex Manual by David Deida presents a comprehensive collection of skills to open oneself to the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of intimate relationships. The book emphasizes moving beyond mere "skin friction" to discover the depths and embodiment of ecstasy by developing sexual abilities as gifts of heart rapture and bodily surrender. Enlightened sex, according to Deida, is not about fixing anything or anyone; it is about living as love by recognizing and relaxing into the open, unlimited, aware depth of being that you are, in the present moment.

David Deida

David Deida is a renowned figure on spiritual growth and sacred intimacy. He has been trained for decades in the art of spiritual and sexual awakening. Throughout his career, Deida has taught and conducted research at renowned locations such as the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, and Lexington Institute in Boston. He is praised as a bridge-builder between Eastern and Western wisdom traditions.

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