Time Wise - Summary and Key Ideas

"Time Wise" is a book that explores the concept of time management, offering practical strategies and insights to help individuals maximize their productivity and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

The target group for the book "Time Wise" is likely individuals seeking to improve their time management skills, particularly professionals and students.

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Time Wise

Key ideas


Unconventional time management tactics of high achievers can revolutionize productivity and work-life balance.


Priorities and time management hinge on establishing systems, reflecting on core values, and consistently reviewing and aligning actions with what's genuinely important.

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Structure in time management involves understanding one's peak productivity periods, analyzing actual task durations and prioritizing meaningful daily goals.

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Efficiency in work involves eliminating non-essential tasks, automating repetitive duties and optimizing communication.

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Focus in work can be enhanced by minimizing digital distractions e.g. by creating physical and environmental barriers to mindless device usage.

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Reflection and feedback are powerful tools for personal and professional growth, turning self-doubt into motivation.

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Building stronger connections involves deliberate actions such as creating a personal "user guide", reviving old connections or adding humor to interactions.

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Maintaining energy and enthusiasm involves clear purpose, finding joy in tasks, celebrating victories and expressing gratitude.

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Summary & Review

"Time Wise" by Amantha Imber is a practical guide that offers insights into managing time effectively. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own productivity patterns and using them to create a personalized time management system. Imber provides a variety of strategies and techniques to help readers maximize their productivity, reduce stress, and achieve a better work-life balance.

Amantha Imber

Amantha Imber is an Australian organizational psychologist and founder of Inventium, a management consulting company. She is known for her innovative work in business psychology, helping companies optimize their creativity and productivity.

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