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Lord of the Flies

William Golding

356 Pages

Lord of the Flies


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"Lord of the Flies" - Summary

A group of British boys, stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash, attempt to establish their own society. What begins as a hopeful adventure of survival and camaraderie soon descends into chaos and violence as primal instincts take over. William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" is a chilling exploration of the dark side of human nature and a timeless parable about the fragility of civilization.

Key Themes


Loss of Innocence

The novel traces the boys' journey from civilized schoolboys to savage hunters. Initially excited about their newfound freedom, they establish rules and elect a leader, mirroring the society they left behind. However, as fear and insecurity grow, they shed their inhibitions and embrace primal urges. The once playful games turn brutal, and the hunt for survival becomes a descent into savagery. This transformation is symbolized by the boys' gradual abandonment of clothing and their increasing identification with Jack, the embodiment of primal instincts.


Dualism of Human Nature

Golding presents a pessimistic view of humanity, arguing that savagery is not external but intrinsic to human nature. He uses the island as a microcosm of the world, demonstrating how easily social structures crumble in the face of fear and uncertainty. The conflict between Ralph, who represents order and reason, and Jack, who embodies chaos and desire, reflects the internal struggle within each individual. The boys' descent into savagery suggests that without the constraints of civilization, humans are prone to embrace their darkest impulses.


Power of Fear

Fear is a potent force that drives the boys' actions and fuels their descent into savagery. Their fear of the unknown, symbolized by the "beast" they believe inhabits the island, leads to paranoia, suspicion, and violence. This fear is manipulated by Jack, who uses it to consolidate his power and turn the boys against Ralph and his attempts at maintaining order. The novel highlights how fear can be exploited to manipulate and control others, leading to the breakdown of social order and the triumph of primal instincts.


"Lord of the Flies" is a translation of the Hebrew word "Beelzebub," a demon often associated with chaos and evil. In the novel, the "Lord of the Flies" refers to a pig's head impaled on a stake, which becomes a physical manifestation of the evil and savagery that consumes the boys.

While the island is fictional, Golding was inspired by his experiences in the Royal Navy during World War II. The novel reflects the disillusionment with humanity that he and many others experienced in the aftermath of the war.

The novel is a cautionary tale about the potential for darkness within human nature. It warns against the dangers of unchecked power, fear, and the loss of reason. Golding suggests that civilization is a fragile construct, and without conscious effort, humans are capable of great cruelty and destruction.

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