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دولت مدرن و ىکپارچگى ملى در ايران by Dāryūsh Qanbarī Cover
دولت مدرن و ىکپارچگى ملى در ايران by Dāryūsh Qanbarī
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## The Modern State and National Integration in Iran: A Synopsis Daryush Ghanbari's "دولت مدرن و ىکپارچگى ملى در ايران" (The Modern State and National Integration in Iran) delves into the complex relationship between the rise of a modern state apparatus and the quest for national unity in Iran. This book likely explores the historical trajectory of Iran's state formation, analyzing how various regimes, from the Qajars to the Pahlavis and beyond, attempted to forge a cohesive national identity within a diverse and historically rich society. Drawing upon historical analysis and potentially sociological frameworks, the book might examine the role of various factors in this process. These may include: * **The impact of modernization:** Examining how the introduction of modern institutions like a centralized bureaucracy, a national army, and a standardized education system affected traditional power structures and social cohesion. * **The role of nationalism:** Analyzing how different conceptions of Iranian nationalism were promoted by the state and how they resonated (or didn't) with various segments of society, potentially considering the influence of ethnicity, language, religion, and regional identities. * **The challenges of integration:** Investigating the obstacles faced by the Iranian state in achieving national unity, such as social inequalities, economic disparities, and the persistence of centrifugal forces challenging central authority. This book likely sparks critical reflection on the ongoing tensions between the state and societal integration in Iran. It may explore how historical legacies continue to shape contemporary Iranian identity and influence the relationship between citizens and their government. ## FAQs **Q: Who is the target audience for this book?** A: This book is likely intended for scholars and students of Iranian history, politics, and sociology, as well as anyone interested in understanding the challenges of nation-building in the Middle East. **Q: Does the book cover a specific period in Iranian history?** A: While the exact timeframe isn't specified, the book's title suggests a focus on the modern era, likely starting with the late Qajar period and continuing through the 20th and possibly into the 21st century. **Q: What is the author's main argument?** A: While the synopsis doesn't explicitly state the author's argument, it suggests that the book explores the intricate and often challenging relationship between the creation of a modern state apparatus and the pursuit of national integration in Iran. **Q: Is this book available in English?** A: Based on the provided information, the book appears to be written in Persian (فارسی). It is unclear if an English translation is available.

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