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Follow the Science by Sharyl Attkisson
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## Follow the Science - Summary Are you truly aware of the forces shaping our healthcare system? Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson dives deep into the world of Big Pharma, revealing a disturbing truth: the relentless pursuit of profit often overshadows patient well-being. Through meticulous research and shocking real-life examples, "Follow the Science" exposes the industry's manipulative tactics, shedding light on the collusion, cover-ups, and blatant disregard for human life that have come to define its practices. Prepare to be shocked, angered, and empowered to question the narratives we are often told about pharmaceuticals and health. **Key Ideas:** * **Profit Over People:** Attkisson unveils a pattern of pharmaceutical companies prioritizing profit maximization over patient health. She details how they suppress negative research findings, manipulate clinical trials, and downplay the severity of side effects, all while engaging in aggressive marketing campaigns to push their products. This section exposes the human cost of this relentless pursuit of profit, showcasing stories of individuals and communities harmed by these practices. * **The Media's Muzzle:** The book exposes how Big Pharma wields its immense power and influence to silence criticism and control the narrative surrounding its products. Attkisson highlights how the industry uses its advertising dollars to influence media coverage, often leading to the suppression of critical stories and the promotion of favorable, albeit misleading, information. This manipulation, she argues, prevents the public from receiving objective information and making informed decisions about their health. * **Challenging the "Science Denier" Label:** Attkisson tackles the dangerous tactic of labeling anyone who questions pharmaceutical practices or products as "science deniers." She argues that this label, often weaponized by industry advocates, stifles genuine scientific debate and discourages critical thinking. This section encourages readers to be wary of such tactics and emphasizes the importance of independent research and critical evaluation of information, even when it comes from seemingly authoritative sources. **FAQs:** * **Who is this book for?** This book is for anyone concerned about the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, and the influence of corporations on scientific research and public health policy. It is particularly relevant for those who want to be more informed about the medications they take and the forces shaping healthcare decisions. * **Is this book anti-science?** Not at all. The book advocates for responsible, ethical science and argues that true scientific inquiry requires scrutiny, debate, and transparency. It is critical of the pharmaceutical industry's manipulation of scientific research and information but ultimately encourages readers to be pro-science by thinking critically and demanding accountability. * **What can I do after reading this book?** Attkisson provides actionable steps readers can take to become more informed healthcare consumers, support independent research, and advocate for transparency and accountability within the pharmaceutical industry.

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