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Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch by Codie Crowley Cover
Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch by Codie Crowley
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## "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" - Summary **Annie Lane wasn't exactly setting the world on fire when she was alive, but death, as it turns out, has given her a rather urgent purpose: find her killer. Oh, and her best friend's killer - because they were murdered together. And make sure he never hurts anyone ever again. Easy right? Well, being dead does have its limitations. Join Annie in this snarky and suspenseful ghost story as she navigates the afterlife, seeking vengeance and maybe uncovering some uncomfortable truths about her life along the way.** ### Key Themes: 1. **The Mystery of Unfinished Business:** The book dives headfirst into the classic ghost story trope: someone who died under mysterious or unresolved circumstances finds themselves tethered to the land of the living. Annie's burning need for answers, for justice, keeps her from "moving on" – whatever that even means in the afterlife. The reader is pulled along on Annie's quest, experiencing the frustration of ghostly limitations alongside the thrill of each clue uncovered. 2. **The Power and Pain of Female Friendship:** Annie's story isn't just about her own murder; it's intrinsically linked to the death of her best friend. This shared trauma amplifies the emotional stakes of the narrative. We can expect to see flashbacks of their friendship, exploring the depth of their bond and the unique ways female friendships navigate love, jealousy, competition, and unwavering support. 3. **Second Chances & Unexpected Growth:** The narrative cleverly uses the "second chance" trope, but with a twist. Annie's "life" after death isn't about righting wrongs or making amends in the traditional sense. Instead, she's forced to confront her own flaws and misconceptions, even in death. This suggests that the book will explore themes of personal growth and self-discovery, even within the confines of a ghost story and a revenge plot. ### FAQs **Q: Is this book part of a series?** A: As of right now, "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" is a standalone novel. However, depending on its reception and the ending, there's always a possibility for Codie Crowley to revisit this world or characters. **Q: Is the book appropriate for young readers?** A: Given the title and subject matter (murder, ghosts, revenge), "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" is likely more appropriate for a Young Adult or Adult audience. The content may be too intense or the themes too mature for younger readers. **Q: Is this book more mystery-focused or will there be supernatural elements?** A: Based on the book's description, it seems like Codie Crowley is blending genres. We can expect a central murder mystery that drives the plot, but with supernatural elements woven throughout due to Annie's ghostly status. This blend will likely appeal to readers who enjoy both genres.

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