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The Triumphant Church by Kenneth E. Hagin
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## The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness - An Extended Synopsis In "The Triumphant Church," renowned Pentecostal preacher and teacher Kenneth E. Hagin dives deep into the often misunderstood realm of demonology. This comprehensive biblical study doesn't just explore the nature and tactics of demonic forces, it empowers believers to walk in the fullness of their God-given authority and claim victory over the powers of darkness. Hagin begins by tracing the origins of evil, unraveling the story of Lucifer's fall from grace and his transformation into Satan, the god of this world. This historical and theological foundation sets the stage for understanding the reality of spiritual warfare that every believer faces. The book doesn't shy away from addressing the various ways demonic forces seek to influence our lives. Hagin clearly distinguishes between oppression, obsession, and possession, offering biblical insights into how these manifest and how believers can break free. He doesn't place the blame on individuals but exposes the subtle and overt ways we can unwittingly give Satan a foothold in our lives. However, "The Triumphant Church" is far from a message of fear and defeat. Instead, it's a resounding declaration of the believer's authority in Christ. Hagin emphasizes that Jesus' victory over Satan at the cross is not just a past event but an ongoing reality that believers can enforce in their own lives. He unpacks the concept of being "seated in heavenly places in Christ," highlighting our position of authority far above all principalities and powers. Through clear biblical teaching and practical applications, Hagin equips readers to: * **Discern** the strategies and tactics of the enemy. * **Break free** from demonic oppression, obsession, and influence. * **Walk in the fullness** of their authority in Christ. * **Experience the victorious life** God intended for every believer. This book is a call to action, urging Christians to abandon a posture of fear or passivity and rise up as the triumphant Church, claiming dominion over all the powers of darkness and walking in the fullness of their inheritance in Christ. ## FAQs **Q: Is this book only for pastors or people who deal with spiritual warfare regularly?** **A:** Absolutely not! While the book delves into the realities of the spiritual realm, it's written for every believer who desires to experience the fullness of God's victory in their lives. **Q: I'm new to the concept of spiritual warfare. Will this book be too overwhelming?** **A:** Hagin’s writing is known for its clarity and accessibility. He builds a solid foundation, starting with the basics and gradually delving deeper. Even if you’re new to this topic, the book provides the understanding you need to grasp these concepts. **Q: Does this book promote a fear-based approach to the demonic?** **A:** On the contrary, "The Triumphant Church" emphasizes the overwhelming victory we have in Christ. While acknowledging the reality of the demonic, it empowers believers to stand firm in their authority and overcome fear through faith in Jesus. **Q: Will this book help me with practical steps to address spiritual attacks in my life?** **A:** Yes! Hagin doesn’t just present theological concepts; he provides practical application, offering insights and guidance on how to walk in spiritual authority and experience freedom from demonic influence.

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