Being Human - Summary and Key Ideas

"Being Human" is a philosophical exploration of the human condition, examining the complexities of human consciousness, emotions, and our relationship with the world around us.

The target group for the book "Being Human" is likely individuals interested in philosophy, psychology, and self-improvement.

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Being Human

Key ideas


Humanity's existential discontent is a rational response to the clash between our hunter-gatherer biology and the unnatural, competitive modern society we've created.


Embracing "evolutionary enlightenment" can debunk societal myths, alleviate personal guilt, and inspire humane cultural solutions.

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The discordance between our evolutionary instincts, cultural conditioning, and rational thought can be mitigated by reshaping cultural norms to align with our universal needs.

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Understanding our evolutionary roots can help us counteract inherent social biases and promote collective moral progress.

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The rise of monotheistic religion replaced intuitive, nature-based spirituality with oppressive doctrines, leading to social injustices and spiritual suppression.

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Historical cultural shifts and religious influence have distorted human sexuality from its evolutionary roots, but modern advancements and enlightenment can help reclaim our natural instincts.

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The evolving roles of children and the elderly in societies highlight the need for community support and intergenerational integration for human well-being.

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The evolution of democracy has been marred by inequality, and to achieve a truly equitable society, we must address economic disparity through progressive reforms.

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Principles promoting social connections, diversity, equality, and creativity can guide us towards a more humane society.

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Summary & Review

## Summary

Carel van Schaik, Kai Michel

Carel van Schaik is a renowned Dutch primatologist and anthropologist, known for his extensive research on the behavior, ecology, and evolution of orangutans. Kai Michel is a German historian and journalist, who has made significant contributions to the understanding of historical events and their contemporary relevance.

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