Faster Than Normal - Summary and Key Ideas

"Faster Than Normal" is a guidebook that provides strategies and insights on how to leverage ADHD as a strength and superpower, enhancing focus, productivity, and success. It also serves as a resource for those who interact with individuals with ADHD, and anyone seeking to improve their brain function.

The target group of the book Faster Than Normal are people with ADHD and those involved in their lives, such as loved ones, teachers, or supervisors. It also targets anyone who wants to improve their brain function and productivity.

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Faster Than Normal

Key ideas


ADHD, though challenging, can be a unique advantage if managed effectively, fostering creativity and rapid thinking.


Adopting rituals and making lifestyle changes can help harness the power and focus of an ADHD brain.

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Effective management of ADHD involves simplifying life, maintaining a healthy diet, prioritizing sleep, and regular exercise.

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Triggers, categorized into professional, personal, and other types, can ignite ADHD symptoms or negative behaviors.

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The right tools, strategies, and environment can significantly ease the burden of dealing with ADHD.

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ADHD, though challenging, can be beneficial with the right mindset, skillset, and support.

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People with ADHD have unique abilities that, when understood and harnessed, can lead to positive outcomes.

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Summary & Review

"Faster Than Normal" by Peter Shankman and Edward Hallowell is a guidebook for people with ADHD and those who interact with them. The book provides insights into how ADHD can be used as a superpower rather than a deficit. Shankman shares his personal experiences and strategies for harnessing the power of the ADHD brain to increase productivity and success. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's unique brain and finding ways to optimize its performance. The book also offers practical advice on managing time, staying organized, maintaining focus, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Peter Shankman, Edward Hallowell

Peter Shankman is an American entrepreneur and keynote speaker, known for his work in public relations and customer service. Edward Hallowell is a renowned psychiatrist, speaker, and leading authority in the field of ADHD.

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