Freedom from the Known - Summary and Key Ideas

"Freedom from the Known" is a philosophical book by Jiddu Krishnamurti that explores the concept of personal liberation through understanding the nature of the mind and breaking free from the constraints of tradition, environment, and conditioning.

The target group for the book "Freedom from the Known" is likely individuals seeking personal growth and enlightenment, particularly those interested in philosophy and spirituality.

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Freedom from the Known

Key ideas


True transformation and understanding come from a radical revolution in our psyche, replacing fear and external authorities with self-awareness and love.


True self-understanding and liberation from conditioning require continuous learning, non-judgmental self-observation, and immediate, emotional engagement with our disturbances.

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Understanding oneself requires a timeless, choiceless awareness, akin to a panoramic snapshot of our consciousness.

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The pursuit of pleasure, often leading to pain, can be transcended by living in the present moment.

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Fear is a product of our thoughts, rooted in past and future, and can only be truly overcome when we live fully in the present.

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Understanding and acknowledging violence as a part of ourselves, rather than an abstract concept, is the first step towards eradicating it from our lives.

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True peace and intelligent action stem from perceiving reality without judgement, comparison or dependency, and acting from this unfragmented understanding.

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True psychological freedom is an active, unconditional awareness of reality, unburdened by the past or conformity, and found in the solitude of self-acceptance and understanding.

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Our perception of time, fueled by our thoughts, creates a divide between life and death, breeding fear and conflict.

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True love is a state of total surrender, unburdened by the past, inseparable from beauty, and can only be found in freedom, not in dependence.

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True observation, free from biases and distractions, reveals an indescribable beauty and love that exists beyond the object.

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Thought, born from memory and shaping our lives, is a double-edged sword that both prolongs pleasure and pain.

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Summary & Review

"Freedom from the Known" by J. Krishnamurti is a profound exploration of the human condition and the nature of freedom. The book challenges conventional wisdom and encourages readers to question their beliefs, perceptions, and thought processes. Krishnamurti argues that true freedom comes from understanding the workings of our own minds and liberating ourselves from the constraints of tradition, expectation, and memory. He emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge, awareness, and the ability to live in the present moment.

J. Krishnamurti

J. Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher, speaker, and writer known for his profound and thought-provoking ideas on human consciousness and spirituality. He rejected all forms of religious and ideological authority, advocating instead for a personal, direct experience of truth.

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