Healing Body & Soul - Summary and Key Ideas

"Healing Body & Soul" is a comprehensive guide to holistic health, exploring the integration of physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being from an Islamic perspective. It provides practical advice on diet, exercise, mental health, and spiritual practices.

The target group for the book "Healing Body & Soul" are individuals interested in holistic health and wellness, particularly those seeking to integrate spiritual and physical healing methods.

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Healing Body & Soul

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The story advocates for a holistic approach to health, blending Islamic teachings with scientific knowledge, to balance physical, biochemical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life, contrasting it with the limitations of disease-focused Western medicine.


The integration of Quranic principles and Prophetic guidance with modern medical knowledge offers a holistic model for optimal physical health and wellbeing.

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Islamic teachings advocate for a holistic approach to nutrition, health, and environmental care, blending ancient wisdom with modern science for a balanced lifestyle.

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Lifelong learning, healthy living, and positive thinking are interconnected tools for intellectual growth and fulfilling our higher purpose.

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Islamic teachings promote holistic wellbeing through the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul, advocating for balance, moderation, and righteous living in harmony with faith, nature, and society.

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Spiritual wellbeing is achieved through practices like prayer, fasting, charity, and recitation of the Quran, fostering a balance between the worldly and the divine.

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Summary & Review

"Healing Body & Soul" by Amira Ayad is a comprehensive guide that explores the Islamic approach to physical and mental health. The book emphasizes the importance of balance in all aspects of life, including diet, exercise, sleep, and spirituality. Ayad provides practical advice and tips based on Islamic teachings and modern health science, aiming to help readers achieve holistic well-being.

Amira Ayad

Amira Ayad is a health and wellness expert with a background in natural health consulting and holistic nutrition. She holds a Master's degree in Pharmaceutics and a PhD in Natural Health, demonstrating her dedication to promoting holistic health and well-being.

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