So Good They Can't Ignore You

So Good They Can't Ignore You - Summary

Cal Newport

The book So Good They Can't Ignore You (2012) is about how to achieve career success by focusing on developing rare and valuable skills, rather than blindly following your passion. Cal Newport argues that the key to building a fulfilling career is to become so good at what you do that you can't be ignored, and provides actionable advice on how to do so.

Key Ideas


Passion is not enough

Passion is often cited as the key ingredient for finding fulfilling work. However, the author argues that passion is not enough. Instead, he suggests that the focus should be on acquiring rare and valuable skills. Newport believes that the passion hypothesis, which states that following your passion will lead to career happiness, is flawed. He cites research that shows that people who believe in this hypothesis are less likely to be satisfied with their careers. Newport argues that true passion develops over time, as you become excellent at something that is valuable to the world. The author illustrates this point with examples of successful people who did not start out passionate about their work. For example, Steve Jobs, who is often held up as a model of someone who followed his passion, was not initially passionate about technology. Instead, he became passionate about it as he became better at it and saw the impact it could have on the world. Newport suggests that instead of focusing on passion, individuals should adopt a craftsman mindset. This means focusing on the quality of the work and continually striving to improve. He emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice, which involves pushing yourself beyond your current abilities in order to improve. In summary, passion alone is not enough to lead to career fulfillment. Instead, individuals should focus on acquiring rare and valuable skills and adopting a craftsman mindset. The development of true passion takes time and is the result of becoming excellent at something that is valuable to the world.

An open lock icon to symbolise that something is not locked.
The craftsman mindset is key
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
Deliberate practice leads to mastery
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
Focus on what you can offer the world
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
The importance of career capital
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
Control is crucial for satisfaction
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
The dangers of the passion hypothesis
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
The importance of mission in your work
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
Be so good they can't ignore you
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.
The power of small bets and little bets
A closed Lock icon to indicate that something is locked.

Final Summary & Review

So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport is a refreshing take on the age-old question of finding your passion. Newport challenges the popular belief that passion is something we are born with and instead argues that it is something we develop over time through deliberate practice and mastery. He offers a compelling argument for why chasing your passion is often misguided and instead suggests that we focus on building rare and valuable skills that we can use to create a fulfilling career and life.

This book is a perfect read for individuals who are looking to build a successful and fulfilling career, and are willing to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve their goals. It is suitable for those who value skill development, passion and career capital over the pursuit of their 'dream job'.

An open lock icon to symbolise that something is not locked.

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