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Any Resemblance to a Coincidence Is Accidental by Stephen C Bird Cover
Any Resemblance to a Coincidence Is Accidental by Stephen C Bird
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## "Any Resemblance to a Coincidence Is Accidental" - Summary Are you ready to question the fabric of reality? Dive into the wonderfully bizarre world of "Any Resemblance to a Coincidence Is Accidental," a collection of interconnected short stories that blur the lines between realism, surrealism, humor, and horror. Prepare for a thought-provoking journey through the depths of human experience, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the line between dreams and reality fades away. ### Key Themes: 1. **The Absurdity of Existence:** Bird masterfully crafts situations that highlight the inherent absurdity of the human condition. Characters find themselves in preposterous circumstances, forcing them to confront the meaninglessness of their actions and the arbitrariness of fate. This theme is often explored through dark humor and satire, poking fun at societal norms and expectations. 2. **The Fragility of Reality:** Throughout the collection, characters grapple with a shifting sense of reality. Dreams bleed into waking life, coincidences become almost impossible to ignore, and the familiar takes on a strange and unsettling new light. This exploration of a fragile reality compels the reader to question their own perceptions and the very nature of their existence. 3. **The Power of the Subconscious:** Dreams, desires, and fears manifest in unexpected ways throughout the interconnected narratives. Bird delves into the subconscious, examining how our inner world shapes our experiences and influences our actions. This exploration of the subconscious adds a layer of psychological intrigue to the stories, leaving the reader pondering the true motivations behind the characters' choices. ### FAQs: **Q: What genre is this book?** A: "Any Resemblance to a Coincidence Is Accidental" defies easy categorization. While it incorporates elements of surrealism, humor, and horror, it ultimately transcends genre conventions to deliver a truly unique reading experience. **Q: Are the stories connected? Should I read them in order?** A: Yes, the stories are interconnected, with recurring characters and themes weaving throughout the collection. For the optimal reading experience, it's highly recommended to read the stories in the order presented. **Q: Is this book for me if I enjoy thought-provoking literature?** A: Absolutely! Bird's writing is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant, inviting readers to contemplate complex themes about existence, reality, and the human psyche.

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