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Dashed by Amanda Quain
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## Dashed by Amanda Quain - Summary Get ready to set sail on a hilarious and heartfelt adventure in Amanda Quain's "Dashed," a modern reimagining of Jane Austen's classic "Sense and Sensibility." When Margaret Dashwood plans a relaxing cruise with her sister Elinor, she never expects their heartbroken sister Marianne to crash the party. Now, amidst the chaos of fake dates, a distractingly handsome crew member, and an actual storm brewing, Margaret must navigate the choppy waters of love, family, and staying true to herself. ## Key Themes: **1. Sisterhood and Family:** The bond between sisters takes center stage as Margaret, Elinor, and Marianne, each with their distinct personalities, find themselves thrown together on a cruise. Margaret, the ever-organized planner, finds her patience tested by Marianne's impulsive romanticism, while Elinor, the voice of reason, tries to keep the peace. As they navigate their individual love lives, the sisters learn valuable lessons about compromise, forgiveness, and the unwavering support that family provides. **2. Finding Love in Unexpected Places:** While Margaret initially prioritizes her carefully crafted plans over matters of the heart, she soon finds herself drawn to the charming Gabe, a crew member on the cruise. This unexpected connection challenges her to loosen her grip on control and embrace the spontaneity of love. Meanwhile, Marianne's quest for a summer fling leads her on a series of hilarious misadventures, proving that love often appears when we least expect it. **3. The Importance of Staying True to Yourself:** Throughout the story, Margaret grapples with balancing her desire for a stable, predictable life with the unexpected thrills that come with embracing new experiences. As she navigates her feelings for Gabe and witnesses Marianne's romantic escapades, Margaret learns the importance of listening to her heart and allowing herself to deviate from the plan. Ultimately, "Dashed" reminds us that sometimes the most fulfilling journeys are those that take us off the charted course. ## FAQs: * **Q: Is it necessary to have read "Sense and Sensibility" to enjoy "Dashed"?** A: Absolutely not! While "Dashed" reimagines the classic story, it stands on its own as a fresh and engaging contemporary romance. Familiarity with Austen's work might add an extra layer of enjoyment, but it's certainly not a prerequisite. * **Q: Is the book appropriate for a younger audience?** A: "Dashed" is categorized as Young Adult Fiction, suggesting it is suitable for teenagers and older. * **Q: Does the book have a happy ending?** A: This is a romance novel, so expect a satisfying resolution! To elaborate further would spoil the fun.

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