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Eighteen Roses by Shannon C. F. Rogers Cover
Eighteen Roses by Shannon C. F. Rogers
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## "Eighteen Roses" - Summary Lucia Cruz is about to turn eighteen and dreading every minute of it. Not one for parties or fanfare, the very thought of a traditional Filipino debut, complete with a court of eighteen friends, sends shivers down her spine. There’s just one problem: Lucia only has one real friend, the steadfast Esmé. As Lucia grapples with the pressure of her impending birthday and her mother’s insistence on a debutante ball, she finds herself at a crossroads. Will she succumb to the expectations of family tradition, or will she forge her own path? ### Key Themes: **1. Identity and Belonging:** Lucia struggles to reconcile her Filipino heritage with her American upbringing, feeling like she doesn't fully belong in either world. The impending debutante ball, a significant cultural tradition, forces her to confront these feelings and determine what cultural elements resonate with her personal identity. **2. Friendship and Growth:** Lucia and Esmé's close bond is tested as their desires for their senior year diverge. Lucia's resistance to the debutante ball stems partly from not wanting to be apart from Esmé. The story explores how friendships evolve and adapt as individuals grow and pursue different paths. **3. Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone:** Throughout the story, Lucia is continually challenged to break free from her self-imposed isolation. The prospect of assembling a court of eighteen "friends" forces her to interact with classmates she normally avoids, pushing her to confront her fear of social interaction and explore the power of connection. ### FAQs: * **Is "Eighteen Roses" based on a true story?** While the story is fictional, it draws inspiration from the Filipino tradition of the debutante ball, offering a glimpse into this cultural celebration. * **Is this book part of a series?** As of now, "Eighteen Roses" is a standalone novel. * **Who is the target audience for this book?** With its themes of friendship, self-discovery, and navigating cultural expectations, "Eighteen Roses" is geared towards young adults, particularly those who enjoy coming-of-age stories.

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