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Ética e infinito by Emmanuel Lévinas Cover
Ética e infinito by Emmanuel Lévinas
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## Ética e infinito: A Conversation with Emmanuel Levinas "Ética e infinito" (Ethics and Infinity) is not your typical philosophical treatise. Instead of dense prose and complex arguments, this book offers a uniquely accessible entry point into the profound ethical thought of Emmanuel Levinas. Through a series of engaging conversations with philosopher Philippe Nemo, Levinas elucidates the core tenets of his philosophy, making his often challenging ideas comprehensible to a wider audience. The book delves into the very essence of Levinas's revolutionary ethical system, one that places the "face-to-face" encounter with the Other at its absolute center. This encounter, Levinas argues, is not about perception or knowledge, but about an ethical demand that precedes and surpasses any attempt to categorize or understand the Other. The face of the Other, in its vulnerability and nakedness, calls upon us to respond with responsibility, interrupting our self-absorbed existence and awakening us to a realm beyond our own being. Throughout their dialogues, Levinas and Nemo explore the implications of this ethical demand for our understanding of responsibility, justice, language, and even the divine. They grapple with the limitations of traditional philosophy, which Levinas believes has often reduced the Other to an object of knowledge rather than recognizing their radical alterity. **Key themes explored in "Ética e infinito" include:** * **The Face of the Other:** How the encounter with the Other's face reveals an infinite ethical responsibility. * **Beyond Being:** Levinas's critique of traditional ontology and his focus on the ethical relation that precedes any understanding of Being. * **Responsibility and Justice:** How our ethical obligation to the Other shapes our understanding of justice and social responsibility. * **The Infinite and the Divine:** The connection between the experience of the Other's infinity and the possibility of encountering the divine. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in ethics, philosophy, and the search for meaning in a world often dominated by self-interest. Levinas's ideas offer a powerful antidote to the prevailing cynicism of our times, urging us to recognize the profound ethical responsibility we have towards one another. ## FAQs **Q: I'm not familiar with philosophy. Is this book accessible to me?** A: Absolutely! While Levinas's work can be challenging, "Ética e infinito" stands out for its clarity and accessibility. The conversational style makes complex ideas easier to grasp, even for readers new to philosophy. **Q: How does Levinas's ethics differ from other ethical systems?** A: Unlike ethical systems focused on rules or consequences, Levinas's ethics centers on the immediate, visceral experience of encountering the Other. This encounter, he argues, precedes any rational calculation and calls us to a responsibility that transcends self-interest. **Q: What is the significance of the "face" in Levinas's philosophy?** A: The "face" is not just a physical attribute for Levinas. It represents the Other's vulnerability and uniqueness, demanding our attention and ethical response. It is through the face that we are called beyond ourselves and into an ethical relationship. **Q: How does this book relate to Levinas's other works?** A: "Ética e infinito" offers a concise and approachable introduction to Levinas's core ideas, which are explored in greater depth in his more demanding works like "Totality and Infinity" and "Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence." **Q: Why should I read "Ética e infinito" today?** A: In a world increasingly marked by individualism and indifference, Levinas's message of radical responsibility towards the Other is more relevant than ever. This book provides a powerful framework for rethinking our ethical obligations in a complex and interconnected world.

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