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Joined at the Joints by Marissa Eller Cover
Joined at the Joints by Marissa Eller
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## "Joined at the Joints" - Summary **Seventeen, chronically ill, and obsessed with baking - meet Ivy, a girl who finds solace in sugar and struggles with social anxiety.** When her well-meaning family pushes her out of her comfort zone and into a support group, Ivy stumbles upon an unexpected connection with Grant, a boy who shares not only her love for witty banter but also her diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Could this be the recipe for a sweet summer romance, or will the realities of chronic pain and self-doubt leave a bitter aftertaste? "Joined at the Joints" is a heartwarming debut novel that explores the complexities of growing up with an invisible illness, navigating first love, and finding your voice in a world that often feels too loud. **Key Themes:** 1. **The power of connection and understanding:** Ivy's journey highlights the profound impact of finding someone who truly understands the challenges of living with a chronic illness. Grant's presence not only provides companionship and support but also validates Ivy's experiences, making her feel seen and less alone in her struggles. This theme emphasizes the importance of empathy, open communication, and finding your tribe in navigating life's complexities. 2. **The struggle for self-acceptance and authenticity:** Throughout the novel, Ivy grapples with the pressure to appear "normal" and hide the realities of her illness. She constantly worries about being defined by her diagnosis and fears being a burden to others. This internal conflict underscores the challenges many individuals with chronic illnesses face in balancing self-care with societal expectations. As Ivy navigates her relationship with Grant and confronts her own insecurities, she learns the importance of embracing her true self and advocating for her needs. 3. **Finding joy and resilience amidst challenges:** Despite the pain and uncertainty that come with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, "Joined at the Joints" is ultimately a story of hope and resilience. Ivy discovers strength in unexpected places – in the support of her family and friends, the shared experiences within the support group, and her blossoming relationship with Grant. The novel emphasizes that joy and fulfillment are attainable even amidst difficult circumstances, encouraging readers to find moments of lightness and celebrate their own resilience. **FAQs:** * **Is this book appropriate for young adults who don't have personal experience with chronic illness?** * Absolutely! While the story offers an authentic portrayal of living with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, it beautifully captures universal experiences of first love, friendship, self-discovery, and navigating the ups and downs of adolescence. * **Does this book have a happy ending?** * Without giving too much away, "Joined at the Joints" offers a hopeful and satisfying conclusion that celebrates personal growth, self-acceptance, and the power of human connection. * **Is this book part of a series?** * As of now, "Joined at the Joints" is a standalone novel. However, the open ending leaves room for the possibility of revisiting Ivy and Grant's story in the future.

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