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News of the World by Paulette Jiles Cover
News of the World by Paulette Jiles
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## "News of the World" - Summary In a world still reeling from the aftermath of the Civil War, "News of the World" by Paulette Jiles spins a captivating tale of an unlikely duo thrown together by circumstance and bound by a shared journey of resilience and healing. Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, a veteran and widower seeking solace in the solitary life of an itinerant news reader, encounters a challenge that will forever alter his path. Entrusted with returning a young girl named Johanna to her relatives after years of captivity by the Kiowa tribe, Captain Kidd embarks on a perilous journey across the untamed Texas landscape. Johanna, stripped of her family and her known world, embodies the brutal cost of conflict and the enduring strength of the human spirit. This captivating novel, rich in historical detail and emotional depth, explores three key themes: **1. The Healing Power of Connection:** Thrown together by fate, Captain Kidd and Johanna initially struggle to bridge the gulf between their languages, cultures, and experiences. Yet, as they face the dangers and uncertainties of their journey, a fragile bond begins to form. Through shared moments of vulnerability and strength, they begin to offer each other solace and understanding, highlighting the potential for human connection to heal even the deepest wounds. **2. The Fragility of Home:** Throughout their journey, Jiles paints a poignant picture of how "home" transcends physical structures and geographic locations. For Johanna, stolen from her family and raised by the Kiowa, the concept of home becomes fluid and complex. Captain Kidd, carrying the weight of past losses, finds himself questioning his own sense of belonging. Their shared journey underscores the fragility of home and the enduring search for a place of belonging in a world forever changed by loss. **3. The Enduring Legacy of Conflict:** Set against the backdrop of a nation grappling with the aftermath of the Civil War, "News of the World" subtly reveals the conflict's enduring scars. From the physical destruction to the deep societal divisions, Jiles illustrates how war's impact extends far beyond the battlefield. Johanna, a living testament to the human cost of conflict, becomes a symbol of innocence lost and the long road to reconciliation. **FAQs:** **1. Is "News of the World" based on a true story?** While the characters and the specific events are fictional, "News of the World" is deeply rooted in historical research. Jiles masterfully captures the atmosphere of post-Civil War Texas and draws inspiration from real accounts of children taken captive by Native American tribes. **2. What genre is the book?** "News of the World" is classified as historical fiction. However, it also encompasses elements of a western and a coming-of-age story. **3. Is there a film adaptation of "News of the World"?** Yes, a film adaptation starring Tom Hanks as Captain Kidd was released in 2020.

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