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Posted by John David Anderson Cover
Posted by John David Anderson
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## Posted - Summary This heartwarming and thought-provoking novel follows Frost and his friends as they navigate the treacherous waters of middle school, where words can wound as easily as they can inspire. When cell phones are banned, the students find a unique way to communicate: sticky notes. But what begins as harmless fun quickly escalates into a school-wide war of words, forcing Frost to confront the true power of language and the complexities of friendship. ### Key Themes: **1. The Duality of Communication:** Anderson masterfully illustrates how easily communication can be both constructive and destructive. The sticky notes, initially a symbol of connection and creativity, quickly become weapons in the hands of bullies, highlighting the double-edged sword of language. While Frost and his friends use notes for jokes and friendly banter, others weaponize them for hurtful gossip and cruel insults, demonstrating the thin line between harmless fun and harmful communication. **2. The Evolution of Friendship:** As Frost navigates the ever-changing landscape of middle school friendships, he is forced to confront the challenges of maintaining old bonds while forging new ones. The arrival of Rose, a unique and independent spirit, tests the boundaries of his existing friendships, forcing him to re-evaluate his priorities and learn the importance of adaptability and open-mindedness in maintaining healthy relationships. **3. The Power of Individuality:** Throughout the novel, Anderson celebrates the importance of embracing individuality and staying true to oneself, even amidst peer pressure and social hierarchies. Rose, with her quirks and unconventional ways, stands as a beacon of individuality in a sea of conformity. Her presence encourages Frost to look beyond superficial labels and appreciate the richness that diversity brings to life. ### FAQs: **Q: Is this book appropriate for all ages?** A: While "Posted" is classified as Juvenile Fiction, its exploration of bullying, friendship dynamics, and the power of words makes it a relevant and engaging read for a wide range of ages, especially middle-grade readers and young adults. **Q: Does this book offer any solutions to bullying?** A: "Posted" doesn't present a simple solution to bullying. Instead, it provides a realistic portrayal of the issue and encourages readers to think critically about their own actions and choices. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and standing up for what is right. **Q: Is this book part of a series?** A: No, "Posted" is a standalone novel. However, John David Anderson has written several other acclaimed books for young readers, including "Ms. Bixby's Last Day" and "Stowaway."

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