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The New Camelot by Robyn Schneider Cover
The New Camelot by Robyn Schneider
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## "The New Camelot" - Summary Prepare yourself for the thrilling conclusion to the Emry Merlin trilogy by Robyn Schneider! "The New Camelot" promises a captivating blend of magic, romance, and political intrigue as Emry and Arthur fight to secure their future together and save their kingdom from a devastating war. Fans of "The Other Merlin" and "The Excalibur Curse" will be enchanted by this epic finale filled with unexpected visitors, perilous quests, and the enduring power of true love. ### Key Themes: **1. Love and Duty:** The central theme revolves around the difficult choices one must make between personal desires and responsibilities to a larger cause. Arthur, now King, grapples with balancing his love for Emry with the expectations and advice of his court, especially as their romance faces disapproval. Simultaneously, Emry faces her own dilemma as her loyalty to Arthur and Camelot clashes with her own aspirations and the sacrifices demanded of her. **2. Magic and Technology:** The book continues to explore the fascinating interplay between magic and technology, a key element established in the previous installments. Emry, a wizard from our world transported to a magical realm, must again find ways to combine her modern understanding with the established magic system of Camelot. This clash leads to innovative solutions and unexpected challenges, forcing both Emry and the traditionalists around her to adapt. **3. Facing the Past to Secure the Future:** As Emry and Arthur strive to protect Camelot from King Yurien and the formidable sorceress Bellicent, they are forced to confront lingering shadows of the past. This theme manifests in the reappearance of old adversaries, the uncovering of long-held secrets, and the need to address unresolved conflicts. Ultimately, the couple's ability to overcome these echoes of the past holds the key to securing a brighter future for themselves and their kingdom. ### FAQs: **1. Do I need to read the previous books in the series to understand "The New Camelot"?** While this is the final book in a trilogy, Schneider's writing style makes it accessible to new readers. However, for a richer understanding of the characters, their relationships, and the world of Camelot, reading "The Other Merlin" and "The Excalibur Curse" is highly recommended. **2. Is this book appropriate for young adult readers?** Yes, "The New Camelot", like the previous books in the series, falls under the Young Adult Fantasy genre. It explores themes of love, responsibility, and courage while maintaining an engaging and age-appropriate tone. **3. Will there be more books in the Emry Merlin series?** "The New Camelot" is presented as the final installment in the Emry Merlin trilogy, offering a conclusion to Emry and Arthur's story. However, the author might revisit this world or its characters in future works.

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