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The Mesmerist by Wendy Moore
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## "The Mesmerist" by Wendy Moore - Summary **Journey into the heart of 19th century London, where medicine teeters on the precipice of revolution and a controversial new therapy called mesmerism takes society by storm. "The Mesmerist" by Wendy Moore unveils the captivating true story of Baron Jules Denis Dupotet, a charismatic figure who ignited a firestorm of debate with his claims of healing through animal magnetism. Amidst the skepticism of traditional physicians and the fervor of mesmerism's believers, the lines between science and spectacle blur, leaving an indelible mark on Victorian society's perception of the mind and body.** **Key Ideas:** * **The Brutal Reality of 19th Century Medicine:** Moore vividly portrays the harsh medical landscape of the time, where surgery was performed without anesthesia and treatments often proved more dangerous than the ailments themselves. This backdrop highlights the desperation that fueled the public's fascination with alternative therapies like mesmerism, promising gentler solutions in a world of agonizing medical practices. * **The Rise and Fall of Mesmerism:** The book chronicles the meteoric rise of mesmerism, fueled by Dupotet's charismatic personality and claims of miraculous cures. Moore delves into the theatrical demonstrations that captivated London society, examining the genuine belief they inspired as well as the skepticism they provoked from established medical figures. This exploration captures the public's struggle to reconcile traditional beliefs with the allure of innovative, albeit unproven, methods of healing. * **The Clash of Science and Spectacle:** At the heart of the book lies the conflict between John Elliotson, a progressive physician, and Thomas Wakley, the founder of The Lancet, a prominent medical journal. Their opposing stances on mesmerism, one embracing its potential and the other denouncing it as quackery, mirror the era's larger struggle to define the boundaries of legitimate medical practice. This battle underscores the enduring tension between innovation and established knowledge within the scientific community. **FAQs:** * **Is "The Mesmerist" a work of fiction or non-fiction?** * It is a non-fiction narrative based on historical events and figures. * **Who is the central figure in the book?** * Baron Jules Denis Dupotet, a French physician who introduced mesmerism to London society, takes center stage. * **What is mesmerism?** * It is a now-discredited therapeutic technique that claimed to use animal magnetism to heal a variety of ailments. * **Will I enjoy this book if I'm interested in Victorian history?** * Absolutely! The book offers a captivating glimpse into the social and cultural climate of Victorian London, exploring themes of science, medicine, and the allure of the unknown.

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