The Prosperous Coach

The Prosperous Coach - Summary

Rich Litvin, Steve Chandler

The Prosperous Coach offers a revolutionary approach to building a successful coaching business. Emphasizing deep human connections, it eschews traditional marketing methods in favor of one-on-one relationship building.

Key Ideas


Coaches need sales skills to attract clients and achieve success.

Coaching can transform lives, yet many coaches struggle to attract clients and earn a good living. Steve Chandler was once a coach who couldn't get clients. He turned to his own coach, Steve Hardison, who taught him how to prosper through coaching. Chandler started running a Coaching Prosperity School to teach other coaches his methods. He focused solely on acquiring clients, not on how to coach. Chandler saw that coaches needed sales skills as much as coaching skills. Coaching associations reported low average incomes for coaches. But Chandler's students began earning thousands per week. Rich Litvin was a gifted coach who couldn't earn money. He attended Chandler's school four times. Soon Litvin was getting high-paying clients who raved about him. Litvin became so successful that he began teaching and leading seminars with Chandler. Chandler realized he was learning from Litvin. This book will teach you Chandler's methods for attracting committed, high-paying clients so you can prosper through your coaching gifts. The key is to be fearless about enrolling clients. Show clients what they can't see themselves. Make bold proposals. You'll build a client list of ideal clients who get breakthroughs from your coaching.

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Coaching empowers profound mindset shifts, unlocking previously unimaginable achievements.
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Blending coaching and business transforms sales into meaningful coaching experiences.
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Envision your dream lifestyle first, then align your business around it.
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Great coaches build trust and relationships through meaningful conversations, not marketing.
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Create coaching clients without marketing: connect, invite, coach deeply, propose collaboration.
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Adopt an "always creating clients" mindset for sustainable coaching business success.
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Coaching unlocks potential by focusing on and believing in clients.
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Courage, empathy, and boldness transform lives through impactful coaching.
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Excellent coaches prioritize client outcomes, avoid small talk, and lead decisively.
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Coaching has transitioned from luxury to necessity for growth and success.
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Coaching is service-oriented, building trust and long-term client relationships.
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Consistent routines, self-investment, and high confidence key to coaching success.
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Life's journey is about growth, authenticity, and serving others.
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Final Summary & Review

Final Summary: "The Prosperous Coach" by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler provides an insightful and practical guide to building a successful coaching business. By focusing on creating powerful relationships and engaging directly with potential clients rather than relying on traditional marketing tactics, the book outlines a path to acquiring high-paying clients and achieving prosperity in coaching.

This book is targeted at new and experienced coaches who are looking to elevate their practice, build a sustainable business, and create meaningful client relationships.

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