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بررسى مقاىسه‌ا‌ى توسعه‌ اقتصادى در ايران و کره شمالى ١٣٤١-١٣٥٧ by Muḥammad Amjad Cover
بررسى مقاىسه‌ا‌ى توسعه‌ اقتصادى در ايران و کره شمالى ١٣٤١-١٣٥٧ by Muḥammad Amjad
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## A Comparative Examination of Economic Development: Iran and North Korea (1962-1978) **By Muḥammad Amjad** This book delves into a compelling comparative analysis of economic development strategies employed by Iran and North Korea during the period of 1962 to 1978. These two nations, seemingly disparate at first glance, presented intriguingly similar starting points for economic advancement in the early 1960s. Both countries grappled with underdevelopment, a history of foreign influence, and a desire for rapid modernization. The author meticulously dissects the chosen paths of each nation, highlighting the stark contrasts in their approaches to economic transformation. Iran, under the Shah's regime, embraced an open-door policy, welcoming foreign investment and adopting a capitalist model. Conversely, North Korea, under Kim Il-sung's leadership, opted for a rigid centrally planned economy, prioritizing self-reliance and isolating itself from the global market. Through a detailed examination of key economic indicators, social development markers, and political contexts, the book provides a nuanced understanding of the successes and failures experienced by both nations. It delves into the complexities of industrialization, agricultural reforms, foreign trade policies, and human capital development within each country. This comparative study goes beyond simply outlining economic statistics. It explores the sociopolitical ramifications of each developmental model, examining issues like income inequality, social mobility, political repression, and the role of external factors like the Cold War. Ultimately, the book serves as a valuable case study for understanding the complexities of economic development in the 20th century. By analyzing the divergent paths of Iran and North Korea, it provides critical insights into the multifaceted nature of progress and the enduring challenges faced by developing nations navigating the global landscape. ## FAQs **1. Why compare Iran and North Korea's economic development?** Despite their geographical and cultural differences, both countries started with similar economic challenges and aspirations in the 1960s. This makes their contrasting approaches to development – capitalist versus socialist – a fascinating case study for economic analysis. **2. What are the key takeaways from this comparative study?** The book highlights the complexities of economic development, showcasing how similar starting points can lead to vastly different outcomes depending on chosen strategies. It emphasizes the importance of considering social and political factors alongside economic indicators when evaluating progress. **3. Who would benefit from reading this book?** This book is beneficial for students and scholars of economics, history, political science, and international development. It will also interest anyone curious about the economic journeys of Iran and North Korea, or the broader themes of development and globalization. **4. Is the book purely an academic analysis or does it offer insights for contemporary development?** While firmly rooted in historical analysis, the book's insights into the successes and pitfalls of different development models hold relevance for contemporary discussions on economic policy, foreign aid, and the pursuit of sustainable development in a globalized world.

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