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مقدمه‌اي بر جامعه‌شناسي توسعۀ روستائي by Muṣṭafá Azkiyā Cover
مقدمه‌اي بر جامعه‌شناسي توسعۀ روستائي by Muṣṭafá Azkiyā
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## مقدمه‌اي بر جامعه‌شناسي توسعۀ روستائي: An In-depth Look at Rural Development in Iran **مقدمه‌اي بر جامعه‌شناسي توسعۀ روستائي** by Muṣṭafá Azkiyā, published in 1985, delves into the crucial topic of rural development in Iran, exploring it through the lens of sociology. This book likely provides a comprehensive overview of the social structures, dynamics, and challenges inherent in Iranian villages. It explores how these factors influence and are influenced by development initiatives. Azkiyā, a prominent Iranian scholar, likely utilizes a theoretical framework grounded in sociological principles to analyze the complexities of rural life and the impact of development programs. The book potentially examines various facets of rural development, including: * **Socioeconomic disparities:** Analyzing the gap between urban and rural areas in Iran, focusing on income inequality, access to resources, and social mobility. * **Agricultural practices and land ownership:** Exploring traditional farming methods, the impact of modernization on agriculture, and land ownership structures within rural communities. * **Migration patterns:** Examining the causes and consequences of rural-to-urban migration, including its impact on village demographics, labor markets, and social structures. * **Role of government policies:** Critically assessing the effectiveness of government initiatives aimed at rural development, considering their strengths, limitations, and unintended consequences. * **Impact of globalization:** Analyzing the influence of globalization on Iranian villages, including its effects on local economies, cultural practices, and social values. Azkīyā’s work likely provides a valuable resource for students, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with rural development in Iran. ## FAQs **1. Who is the target audience for this book?** This book is primarily intended for: * **Students** studying sociology, rural development, and related fields. * **Researchers** interested in Iranian society, rural development, and social change. * **Policymakers** involved in designing and implementing rural development programs. * **Individuals** seeking a deeper understanding of rural life and development challenges in Iran. **2. Is this book relevant today, considering it was published in 1985?** While the book was published in 1985, it likely offers valuable historical context and foundational knowledge regarding rural development in Iran. The core sociological principles and analytical frameworks presented by Azkiyā remain relevant for understanding the complexities of rural societies, even amidst contemporary changes. However, it's essential to complement this book with more recent research and analyses to account for the evolving socio-economic landscape of rural Iran. **3. Does the book offer practical solutions for rural development in Iran?** The book primarily provides a sociological analysis of rural development rather than offering concrete policy prescriptions. However, by highlighting the social complexities, challenges, and potential pitfalls, Azkiyā’s work indirectly contributes to a more informed approach to rural development initiatives. **4. Is the book available in English?** Unfortunately, based on the available information, it appears that "مقدمه‌اي بر جامعه‌شناسي توسعۀ روستائي" is written in Persian (Farsi). It is unclear if an English translation exists.

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