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An Introduction to Pharmacovigilance: A Journey into Drug Safety
"An Introduction to Pharmacovigilance", by Patrick Waller and Mira Harrison-Woolrych, serves as a comprehensive guide to the multifaceted world of drug safety. This second edition, thoroughly updated and revised, provides a clear, concise, and engaging exploration of the principles and practices of pharmacovigilance. Ideal for beginners and seasoned professionals alike, the book delves into the core concepts of pharmacovigilance, unraveling the complexities of detecting, assessing, understanding, and ultimately preventing adverse drug reactions and other drug-related problems.
Key Ideas
Step-by-step explanations
The authors meticulously break down complex processes into easily digestible segments, ensuring a smooth learning curve for readers new to the field.
Real-world examples
Abundant case studies and examples, drawn from actual drug safety issues, bring the principles of pharmacovigilance to life, illustrating their practical applications.
Regulatory framework
The book provides a clear overview of the regulatory landscape governing pharmacovigilance, encompassing both national and international guidelines.
Ethical and societal considerations
Recognizing the ethical implications inherent in drug safety, the authors dedicate significant attention to the societal impact and ethical considerations surrounding pharmacovigilance.
New additions
The second edition boasts a brand new chapter focusing on the clinical aspects of pharmacovigilance, further enriching its content and relevance.
The authors meticulously break down complex processes into easily digestible segments, ensuring a smooth learning curve for readers new to the field.
Abundant case studies and examples, drawn from actual drug safety issues, bring the principles of pharmacovigilance to life, illustrating their practical applications.
The book provides a clear overview of the regulatory landscape governing pharmacovigilance, encompassing both national and international guidelines.
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