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A Court This Cruel and Lovely by Stacia Stark Cover
A Court This Cruel and Lovely by Stacia Stark
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## "A Court This Cruel and Lovely" - Summary This captivating novel plunges readers into a world where humans and fae coexist in a delicate balance, threatened by a hidden power and a brewing darkness. When a young woman named (protagonist's name not revealed in the description) discovers her own forbidden abilities, she is forced to flee her home and seek refuge with a dangerous mercenary. However, she soon realizes that her survival, and potentially the fate of the world, hinges on unraveling his secrets and mastering her own power. This enchanting slow-burn romantasy promises a thrilling adventure for fans of Raven Kennedy. ### Key Themes 1. **Forbidden Power and its Consequences:** The protagonist's inherent power is deemed "corrupt" and punishable by death in her society, forcing her to live in secrecy. This theme explores the implications of suppressing one's true nature and the courage it takes to embrace it, even when facing persecution. Her journey becomes a fight not just for survival, but also for acceptance and understanding of this power. 2. **Dangerous Alliances and Shifting Loyalties:** Thrust into a desperate situation, the protagonist forms an alliance with a brooding mercenary, relying on him for protection and guidance. Yet, his hidden past and ambiguous motives cast a shadow of doubt on his trustworthiness. This theme delves into the complexities of trust and betrayal, the fine line between necessity and genuine connection, and how well we truly know those we choose to rely on. 3. **The Struggle for Balance and the Threat of Chaos:** The delicate peace between humans and fae hangs in the balance, threatened by unseen forces and simmering tensions. The protagonist's journey becomes entwined with this larger conflict, hinting that her hidden power might be the key to restoring equilibrium or tipping the scales towards devastation. This theme explores the responsibility that comes with wielding great power, the potential for both creation and destruction, and the courage it takes to fight for a better future. ### FAQs **Q: Is this book part of a series?** A: Yes, "A Court This Cruel and Lovely" is the first book in the "Kingdom of Lies" series. **Q: Does the book feature a romance?** A: While the description mentions a "slow-burn romantasy," the exact nature of the relationship between the protagonist and the mercenary remains to be discovered within the story. **Q: Are there elements of magic and fantasy in the book?** A: Yes, the book is set in a world where humans and fae exist, and the protagonist possesses a forbidden power, indicating a strong presence of magic and fantastical elements. **Q: When will the next book in the series be released?** A: The release date for the subsequent books in the "Kingdom of Lies" series has not yet been announced.

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