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It's Only A Game by Bill Prentiss Cover
It's Only A Game by Bill Prentiss
! The following is just a GPT-Summary if you really wanna learn something: 
## "It's Only A Game" - Summary Bo Fromhart, a seasoned basketball coach with a history of frustrations, finds himself leading the underdog New Orleans Pelicans as their interim manager. What appears to be a straightforward job of guiding a team riddled with losses takes a sudden turn when he discovers the hidden agenda of his new boss, Paul Dirkson. Dirkson, burdened by a gambling debt, sees the Pelicans as a pawn in his high-stakes game. His goal: ensure the team stays at the bottom of their division, a move that would not only save him from financial ruin but also pave his way to inherit his father-in-law's business empire. As Bo witnesses the team's unexpected resurgence under his leadership, he realizes there’s more at stake than just winning games; he’s battling against a web of deceit and manipulation that threatens to destroy the spirit of the game. ### Key Themes: **1. The Price of Ambition:** Paul Dirkson's ambition to inherit his father-in-law's business empire drives him to make reckless decisions, jeopardizing the integrity of the game and the future of the New Orleans Pelicans. His willingness to sacrifice the team for personal gain exposes the dark side of ambition and its potential to corrupt even the most straightforward goals. **2. Redemption through Underdog Success:** The New Orleans Pelicans, known for their losing streak, become an embodiment of hope and resilience. Their unexpected transformation under Bo Fromhart's leadership signifies the power of perseverance and teamwork. Each victory challenges the pre-conceived notions of their limitations and offers a chance for individual players to redefine their potential. **3. The sanctity of Sport:** "It's Only A Game" delves into the moral dilemma of manipulating sports for personal gain. As Bo uncovers Dirkson's intentions, the narrative highlights the ethical responsibility associated with leadership roles within the realm of sports. It emphasizes that the true spirit of the game lies in fair play, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence, irrespective of the outcome. ### FAQs **Q: Is this book based on a true story?** A: While the characters and plot are fictional, the novel draws inspiration from the world of professional basketball and explores the potential for behind-the-scenes machinations. **Q: Is the book suitable for readers who are not familiar with basketball?** A: Absolutely! While the story revolves around basketball, the author expertly weaves in the emotional stakes and personal journeys of the characters, making it a captivating read for everyone, regardless of their knowledge of the sport. **Q: Is there a romantic subplot in the book?** A: The primary focus of the book is the power struggle and the pursuit of success within the basketball team. However, there are subtle romantic subplots that add another layer to the narrative without overshadowing the main plot.

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