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Reality Transurfing. Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland Cover
Reality Transurfing. Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland
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## "Reality Transurfing. Steps I-V" - Summary Have you ever felt like you were just a passenger in your own life, watching events unfold around you without any real control? What if you could choose your own destiny and create a reality where your dreams become achievable goals? In "Reality Transurfing. Steps I-V", Vadim Zeland introduces a revolutionary system that claims to do just that. Through a unique blend of quantum physics, philosophy, and practical psychology, Zeland lays out a path to consciously navigating the infinite possibilities of the universe and shaping your personal reality. This is not just another self-help book; it's an invitation to challenge everything you thought you knew about the world and unlock your true potential. **Three Key Ideas:** 1. **The World as a Mirror:** Zeland argues that the world we experience is a reflection of our own thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. He introduces the concept of the "variative space", an infinite field of possibilities where every potential outcome already exists. Our thoughts act like a filter, selecting and attracting experiences that match our dominant frequencies. By becoming aware of our internal states and actively choosing positive thoughts and beliefs, we can shift our reality towards more desirable outcomes. 2. **Transurfing and the Art of Letting Go:** Traditional goal-setting often involves struggle and forcing our will upon the world. Transurfing proposes a radically different approach: letting go of excessive importance and allowing our desires to manifest effortlessly. This means releasing attachment to specific outcomes and trusting in the universe's intelligence to deliver the best possible scenario. Zeland provides practical techniques like "slide importance" and "intention" to navigate the world with effortless ease and grace. 3. **The Power of Pendulums and How to Break Free:** Zeland uses the metaphor of "pendulums" to describe external forces, such as societal expectations, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns, that can drain our energy and keep us trapped in undesirable realities. He teaches readers how to identify these pendulums and consciously choose not to feed them with their energy. By breaking free from the influence of external forces, we reclaim our personal power and create a life aligned with our true desires. **FAQs:** **Q: Is "Reality Transurfing" a religion or belief system?** A: No, Transurfing is not a religion or a belief system. It's presented as a practical model based on principles of quantum physics and human consciousness. It encourages critical thinking and personal experimentation to validate its concepts. **Q: Do I need any prior knowledge of physics or philosophy to understand this book?** A: No prior knowledge is required. Zeland explains complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, using relatable examples and metaphors. **Q: Is "Reality Transurfing" about positive thinking?** A: While positive thinking plays a role, Transurfing goes beyond simply thinking happy thoughts. It's about consciously choosing your thoughts and beliefs, understanding their impact on your reality, and mastering your inner state to create lasting change. **Q: What are the "Steps" referred to in the title?** A: The "Steps" refer to the five parts of the book, each building upon the previous one and delving deeper into the principles and techniques of Transurfing.

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