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The Ones Who Come Back Hungry by Amelinda Bérubé Cover
The Ones Who Come Back Hungry by Amelinda Bérubé
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## "The Ones Who Come Back Hungry" - Summary Imagine your world shattered by the loss of your beloved sister, only to find her back, not quite alive, but driven by an insatiable hunger for human blood. Amelinda Bérubé's "The Ones Who Come Back Hungry" is a chilling young adult horror novel that explores the dark side of grief, the complexities of sibling relationships, and the terrifying consequences of clinging to what's gone. **Key Themes:** 1. **Grief and Acceptance:** The novel delves deep into the raw, messy nature of grief, particularly within a family that has lost a central figure. Jo's struggle to accept Audrey's death, opting instead for a horrifying version of life, highlights the dangerous lengths we go to avoid confronting pain and loss. The story becomes a cautionary tale about the importance of processing grief in a healthy way and learning to let go. 2. **Toxic Relationships and Hidden Truths:** Audrey's return unveils a web of secrets and lies that existed beneath her "perfect" facade. Jo's interactions with Audrey's friends and boyfriend expose the unhealthy dynamics that defined their relationships. This theme explores how appearances can be deceiving and how toxic behaviors can fester even in seemingly idyllic settings. 3. **The Hunger for More:** On a literal level, the novel explores the insatiable hunger of the returned Audrey. Yet, this hunger acts as a metaphor for the yearning and desire that permeate the lives of all the characters. Jo hungers for her sister, for a return to normalcy, for a chance to fix things. This theme examines the different faces of desire and the lengths we go to satisfy our deepest cravings. **FAQs:** * **Is this book appropriate for younger readers?** While categorized as Young Adult, the novel deals with mature themes of death, grief, and unhealthy relationships, potentially making it more suitable for older teens and up. * **Is this a typical vampire story?** "The Ones Who Come Back Hungry" blends elements of traditional vampire lore with a contemporary exploration of psychological horror. Expect familiar tropes like blood-drinking and an aversion to sunlight, but also be prepared for a fresh take on the genre. * **Does the book have a hopeful ending?** Without spoiling too much, the novel offers a bittersweet resolution that emphasizes the necessity of acceptance and moving forward, even in the face of tragedy.

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