Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika Decides to Die - Summary

Paulo Coelho

Veronika Decides to Die follows the journey of a young woman who attempts suicide and wakes up in a mental hospital, where she discovers a new appreciation for life and self-discovery.

Key Ideas


Veronika had wanted to commit suicide to end her meaningless life, but she survived and woke up in a clinic.

Veronika decided to commit suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills in her rented room at a convent in Ljubljana, Slovenia. As she waited to die, she read an article about a computer game made in Slovenia. The article began by asking "Where is Slovenia?", which bothered Veronika since most people didn't know where her country was. She wrote a letter to the magazine explaining Slovenia was one of the republics of the former Yugoslavia, intending it to be her suicide note. Veronika took the pills but they only made her feel nauseous and fearful. She lost consciousness and awoke in Villete, a notorious asylum where the rich could pay to have family members committed. A nurse told Veronika about her aunt who had killed herself, even though her family loved her. The nurse sedated Veronika when she struggled against her restraints. Veronika had wanted to commit suicide to end her meaningless life. She was upset to have survived and be confined in Villete against her will. The nurse didn't care about Veronika's reasons, only doing her job of keeping patients alive. Veronika stopped struggling to avoid further sedation, resigned to being trapped in a place where no one ever escaped.

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She does not want to leave the clinic alive.
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Veronika meets Zedka, who tells her a story which made her realise: She had tried to be normal and it led her to want to die.
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Veronika adjusts to mental hospital life, grappling with control and acceptance.
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Zedka learned astral projection through psychiatric treatment, finding freedom and insight.
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At Villete, Veronika began to explore different aspects of her personality that she had suppressed.
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Veronika meets Dr. Igor who is telling her about a substance called Vitriol that poisons people's souls.
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Though resigned to dying, Veronika was drawn into experiences at Villete that reawakened her emotions.
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Mari, struggling with panic disorder, chose indefinite hospitalization over her strained marriage.
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Though close to death, Veronika was beginning to understand love and meaning by bonding with Eduard and exploring her sexuality.
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Dr. Igor's experiments and philosophical dialogue highlight the complexities of mental health.
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Eduard's artistic dreams clashed with parental expectations, causing a breakdown.
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A psychiatric hospital group's routine is shaken by departures and introspection.
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Eduard and Veronika spend an evening with wine in Ljubljana and confess their love.
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Dr. Igor is happy about his patients escape, as his treatment was aiming for it the whole time.
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Final Summary & Review

Final Summary: Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho tells the story of a young woman named Veronika who decides to end her life due to the monotony and perceived hopelessness of her existence. However, her suicide attempt fails, and she wakes up in a mental hospital called Villete. There, she is told that her heart has been damaged and she has only a few days to live. Through her interactions with other patients and self-reflection, Veronika gradually discovers a newfound appreciation for life and begins to challenge the conventional definitions of sanity and insanity. The story ultimately conveys powerful messages about the importance of living authentically, embracing one's true desires, and finding beauty and purpose even amidst suffering.

This book is aimed at adult readers interested in psychological and philosophical explorations of life, death, and what motivates us to live. Suitable for those who enjoy thought-provoking and emotional narratives.

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