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They Both Die at the End Paperback Box Set by ADAM. SILVERA Cover
They Both Die at the End Paperback Box Set by ADAM. SILVERA
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## "They Both Die at the End Paperback Box Set" - Summary What if you knew the exact day you were going to die? Would you hide away, paralyzed by fear? Or would you seize the day and live life to the fullest? This box set, containing the bestselling novels "They Both Die at the End" and its prequel "The First to Die at the End," explores these questions with heart-wrenching honesty and powerful emotional resonance. ### Key Themes 1. **Living in the Face of Death:** Both novels tackle the heavy topic of mortality and how we choose to spend our remaining time. In "They Both Die at the End," Mateo and Rufus, two strangers who receive news of their impending deaths, choose to embrace their final hours, forming a deep bond and experiencing the beauty of life and love even as the clock ticks down. Similarly, "The First to Die at the End" depicts Orion and Valentino grappling with the reality of Death-Cast, a service predicting death, and ultimately choosing to face their fears and live life on their own terms. 2. **The Power of Human Connection:** Despite exploring death, both books are ultimately celebrations of life and the powerful connections we forge. Mateo and Rufus, initially strangers, find solace, friendship, and even love in their shared fate. Orion and Valentino, grappling with the weight of pre-determined death, discover the strength and beauty of human connection. Through these relationships, Silvera highlights that even in the face of death, human connection can offer purpose, meaning, and profound joy. 3. **Making Every Moment Count:** A key message resonating throughout both novels is the importance of cherishing every moment. Knowing their time is limited, the characters in both books strive to make the most of their remaining hours. They take risks, confront their fears, express their emotions, and seek out experiences that truly matter. This theme serves as a powerful reminder to readers that life is precious and fleeting, urging us to seize each day and live with intention. ### FAQs * **Are the books connected?** Yes, "The First to Die at the End" is a prequel to "They Both Die at the End," taking place seven years earlier. While you can enjoy them independently, reading the prequel first provides deeper context and enriches the overall reading experience. * **Are the books sad?** Given the premise, expect emotional moments and themes of loss and grief. However, both books offer a life-affirming message, emphasizing hope, love, and the beauty of human connection even in the face of death. * **What genre are the books?** They are categorized as Young Adult Fiction, dealing with relatable coming-of-age themes like self-discovery, friendship, and love. However, the thought-provoking exploration of mortality makes them compelling reads for audiences of all ages.

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