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Yellowface by Rebecca F Kuang
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## "Yellowface" by Rebecca F. Kuang - Summary What happens when a mediocre writer gets her hands on a brilliant manuscript, penned by her recently deceased Asian American friend, and decides to publish it under her own name - as a white woman pretending to be Asian? "Yellowface" by Rebecca F. Kuang dives headfirst into this question, weaving a sharp and darkly funny tale about ambition, cultural appropriation, and the murky world of publishing. **Key Themes:** * **Cultural Appropriation and Identity:** At its core, "Yellowface" dissects the exploitative nature of cultural appropriation in the literary world. Kuang masterfully portrays the protagonist's blatant theft of a marginalized voice for her own gain, highlighting the ethical complexities and the very real consequences of such actions. We see how she profits from a culture she doesn't understand while the original author remains voiceless. * **The Allure and Peril of Success:** The novel explores the seductive power of ambition and the moral compromises one might make in its pursuit. As the protagonist's career flourishes on a lie, readers witness her descent into paranoia and guilt, demonstrating the high cost of achieving success through dishonest means. * **Social Media and Public Scrutiny:** "Yellowface" also examines the double-edged sword of social media and public opinion in the digital age. While it can amplify marginalized voices and hold individuals accountable for their actions, it can also quickly turn into a breeding ground for mob mentality and online witch hunts, blurring the lines between justice and virtual condemnation. **FAQs:** * **Is this book based on a true story?** While "Yellowface" tackles themes relevant to real-life controversies in the publishing industry, it is a work of fiction and not directly based on any specific event. * **Is this book appropriate for all audiences?** The novel deals with sensitive topics like racism, cultural appropriation, and death. It's recommended for mature readers who can engage with these themes in a critical and thoughtful manner. * **What genre is this book?** "Yellowface" is a satirical thriller that blends elements of suspense, social commentary, and dark humor.

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