The End of Alchemy - Summary and Key Ideas

The book The End of Alchemy (2016) is about the thrilling exploration of how the financial system can be fundamentally transformed to prevent future crises. Mervyn King presents a compelling argument for the need to break the shackles of traditional economic thinking and embrace a new approach based on the principles of alchemy.

This book is a perfect read for individuals, that are interested in understanding the fundamental flaws of the banking system and how it can be reformed to prevent future financial crises. It is written for both experts and non-experts, who are looking for a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the financial system.

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The End of Alchemy

Key ideas


The Alchemy of Modern Banking System


Central Banks: History and Importance

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Rethinking Financial Crisis Causes

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Disequilibrium and Radical Uncertainty

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Trust and Interconnectedness in Banking

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The Prisoner's Dilemma in Economics

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The Audacity of Pessimism: Predicting Financial Crises

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The Central Banker's Paradox

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Reforming the Current Financial System

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The Future of Money and Central Banking

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Summary & Review

In "The End of Alchemy," Mervyn King highlights the flaws of the current financial system and proposes a new approach to banking. He argues that the current system is inherently unstable and puts too much power in the hands of a few bankers. Instead, he suggests a system in which banks are required to hold assets equal to their liabilities, effectively eliminating the need for government bailouts.

Mervyn King

Mervyn King is a British economist and former Governor of the Bank of England. He held the position from 2003 to 2013, during which he oversaw the Bank's response to the financial crisis of 2008. King has also been a professor of economics at both the London School of Economics and Harvard University. He is known for his expertise in monetary policy and has been a vocal advocate for greater transparency in central banking. King was knighted in 2011 for his services to banking.

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