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Exit Stories by Anssi Kiviranta
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## "Exit Stories" - Summary Have you ever wondered what it takes to build a billion-dollar company? What goes on behind the scenes of those overnight success stories we hear about? "Exit Stories", by Anssi Kiviranta and Matias Mäenpää, pulls back the curtain and offers an intimate glimpse into the rollercoaster journey of 12 entrepreneurs who defied the odds and launched globally recognized "unicorn" companies. This book isn't just a collection of glamorous tales from the top. It delves deep into the nitty-gritty of building a business from the ground up, revealing the eureka moments, the grueling hard work, and yes, even the near-fatal mistakes that almost derailed everything. Each founder, a titan in their respective field – from talking toys (Tonies) to food delivery (Delivery Hero) to genetic testing (23andMe) – shares their unique experiences, offering invaluable insights and hard-won wisdom. ### Key Ideas: 1. **The Power of a Compelling Vision:** Every single founder featured in "Exit Stories" had a clear, often audacious, vision for what they wanted to achieve. They identified a problem, believed in their ability to solve it better than anyone else, and relentlessly pursued their goal. It's this unwavering belief, this unwavering “why”, that fueled their determination and ultimately led them to success. 2. **Agility and Adaptation are Crucial:** The road to unicorn status is rarely linear. "Exit Stories" highlights how these entrepreneurs faced unexpected challenges, market shifts, and moments of self-doubt. The key takeaway? Those who thrived were the ones who demonstrated exceptional agility, adapting their strategies, pivoting when necessary, and continuously learning from their mistakes. 3. **The Importance of a Strong Team:** No founder is an island. Building a successful company requires assembling a team of talented, dedicated individuals who share your vision and are willing to go the extra mile. "Exit Stories" emphasizes the importance of finding the right people, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration, and empowering your team to excel. ### FAQs: **Q: Who is this book for?** A: "Exit Stories" is an essential read for aspiring entrepreneurs, business leaders looking for inspiration, and anyone curious about the journeys of some of the world's most successful startups. **Q: Is the book overly technical or jargon-heavy?** A: Not at all! The authors have written "Exit Stories" in an engaging, accessible style, making it an enjoyable read even for those without a business background. **Q: What makes this book stand out from other business books?** A: "Exit Stories" goes beyond superficial success stories. It offers a raw and honest look at the entrepreneurial journey, providing practical insights and valuable lessons that readers can apply to their own endeavors.

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