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The Examiner by Janice Hallett
! The following is just a GPT-Summary if you really wanna learn something: 
## "The Examiner" - Summary **A master’s program in art takes a sinister turn in this gripping new mystery from Janice Hallett, the bestselling author hailed as the “new queen of crime.”** Six diverse students from across the United Kingdom find themselves thrust together in Royal Hastings University’s innovative Multimedia Art master’s program, led by the determined Gela Nathaniel. But this is no ordinary course. As the students grapple with demanding assignments and their own personal demons, a lurking danger emerges, threatening to derail their ambitions and their lives. Told through a compelling tapestry of emails, text messages, and essays, "The Examiner" will keep you guessing until the very last page. ### Key Themes 1. **The Allure and Danger of Ambition:** Each student in the program arrives with their own aspirations, from seeking a career change to achieving artistic recognition. This driving ambition, however, becomes a double-edged sword. It fuels their creativity but also exposes their vulnerabilities, making them susceptible to manipulation and placing them in harm's way. The novel explores the fine line between healthy striving and destructive obsession. 2. **The Power of Perception and Deception:** The narrative unfolds through a fragmented yet intimate lens – emails, texts, and personal reflections. This format forces the reader to piece together the truth alongside the characters, navigating a web of half-truths, hidden agendas, and unreliable narrators. The novel highlights how easily perception can be manipulated and how appearances can be deceiving, leaving the reader questioning everything they think they know. 3. **The Unseen Forces at Play:** The enigmatic "examiner" acts as an invisible puppet master, their presence felt through cryptic warnings and unsettling observations. The students are pawns in a larger game, their every move scrutinized and orchestrated. This theme introduces an element of paranoia and suspense, as the reader is left wondering who is truly in control and what their ultimate motivations might be. ### FAQs * **Q: Is this book part of a series?** * A: No, "The Examiner" is a standalone novel and Janice Hallett's third book. * **Q: What is the format of the book?** * A: The story is told through an epistolary format, using documents like emails, text messages, and essays. * **Q: Is the book suitable for readers who are new to mystery novels?** * A: Absolutely! While full of twists and turns, the unique format and compelling characters make it an accessible and engaging read for mystery fans of all levels.

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