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Influence et manipulation : L'art de la persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini Cover
Influence et manipulation : L'art de la persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
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## Influence et manipulation : L'art de la persuasion - An Extended Synopsis Have you ever felt pressured to say "yes" when you really wanted to say "no"? Robert B. Cialdini's "Influence et manipulation : L'art de la persuasion" delves deep into the fascinating and sometimes unsettling world of persuasion, exploring the psychological triggers that influence our decisions and how they are expertly exploited by 'compliance professionals.' Cialdini, a renowned psychologist, draws upon years of research, including undercover observations of salespeople, fundraisers, and advertisers, to expose the six fundamental principles of persuasion: * **Reciprocity:** We are hardwired to return favors, making us vulnerable to seemingly innocuous gifts or concessions that trigger an obligation to comply. * **Scarcity:** The less available something is, the more desirable it becomes. This principle explains our susceptibility to limited-time offers and exclusive deals. * **Authority:** We are conditioned to obey authority figures, often without question, making us easy targets for those who cultivate an aura of expertise. * **Consistency:** Once we commit to a position, even a small one, we are more likely to agree to subsequent requests that align with that commitment. * **Liking:** We are more inclined to say yes to those we like, be it due to their charm, attractiveness, or perceived similarity to us. * **Social Proof:** In uncertain situations, we look to the actions of others to guide our own, making us susceptible to bandwagon effects and testimonials. The book goes beyond simply identifying these principles. Cialdini provides compelling real-world examples and insightful anecdotes that illustrate how these techniques are employed in various facets of life, from everyday interactions to high-stakes business negotiations. This revised and expanded edition, a bestseller with over 90,000 copies sold in France alone, takes the exploration further. It arms readers with practical strategies to recognize and defend against manipulative tactics. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of persuasion, you can reclaim control over your decisions and no longer feel pressured to say "yes" when your better judgment screams "no." **FAQs** **Q: Who is this book for?** A: "Influence et manipulation" is for anyone who wants to understand the subtle forces that influence our choices. It's particularly valuable for those who feel susceptible to manipulation, individuals in sales and marketing roles, and anyone interested in the psychology of decision-making. **Q: Is the book just about manipulation?** A: While the book delves into manipulative tactics, it's more about understanding the science of persuasion. By recognizing these principles, you can use them ethically to become more persuasive in your own right, as well as to defend yourself against unethical manipulation. **Q: Is the book applicable today, considering it was first published in the 1980s?** A: The principles Cialdini outlines are timeless and rooted in human psychology. The revised edition incorporates contemporary examples and insights, making it even more relevant in today's world of information overload and persuasive technology. **Q: Is the book easy to read?** A: Absolutely. Cialdini's engaging writing style makes complex psychological concepts accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience. He uses real-world examples and relatable anecdotes to illustrate his points, making it both informative and entertaining.

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