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Ukraine and Russia by Paul D'Anieri
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## "Ukraine and Russia" - Summary This meticulously researched and timely updated book offers a comprehensive analysis of the war in Ukraine, delving into the complex historical, political, and social factors that culminated in the 2022 Russian invasion. Author Paul D'Anieri deftly guides the reader from the seemingly amicable separation of Ukraine and Russia in 1991, often dubbed a "civilized divorce," to the outbreak of Europe's most devastating conflict since World War II. ### Key Ideas: 1. **The Security Dilemma:** D'Anieri argues that the heart of the conflict lies in the unresolved security concerns of both Russia and the West. Russia, feeling threatened by NATO expansion and the potential for Ukraine to align with the West, sought to maintain its sphere of influence in the region. Conversely, the West, particularly the United States, viewed Russia's actions as aggressive and sought to contain its power while supporting Ukraine's sovereignty. This dynamic created a vicious cycle of mistrust and escalation, ultimately leading to war. 2. **Democratization and Geopolitics:** The book highlights how the divergent paths of democratization undertaken by Ukraine and Russia played a crucial role in shaping the conflict. While Ukraine embarked on a path toward democracy and closer ties with the West, Russia experienced a resurgence of authoritarianism under Putin. This fundamental difference in political systems exacerbated existing tensions and fueled incompatible visions for the future of the region. D’Anieri demonstrates how these internal political developments had profound geopolitical consequences, ultimately contributing to the current conflict. 3. **Incompatible Visions for Post-Cold War Europe:** D'Anieri argues that the conflict stems from fundamentally irreconcilable visions for the post-Cold War European order. Russia sought to reassert its dominance in its "near abroad" and resisted what it perceived as Western encroachment. Meanwhile, the West, guided by principles of self-determination and democracy, aimed to integrate former Soviet states into its sphere of influence. These fundamentally opposed objectives, combined with a lack of effective communication and compromise, created an environment ripe for conflict. ### FAQs: * **Is this book solely focused on the 2022 invasion, or does it provide broader historical context?** This book provides a comprehensive historical analysis, tracing the roots of the conflict back to the fall of the Soviet Union and examining the complex relationship between Ukraine and Russia over the past three decades. * **Does this book offer any potential solutions to the conflict?** While the book primarily focuses on analyzing the causes of the conflict, D'Anieri acknowledges the deep-seated disagreements and the difficulty in finding a lasting resolution. However, he emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying historical and geopolitical factors to inform any future attempts at peacebuilding and reconciliation. * **Who is the intended audience for this book?** This book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand the historical context and multifaceted complexities of the war in Ukraine. It caters to a broad audience, including students, scholars, policymakers, and general readers interested in international relations, Eastern European politics, and contemporary history.

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