The Better Angels of Our Nature - Summary and Key Ideas

The book The Better Angels of Our Nature (2011) is about the decline of violence in human history. Steven Pinker provides evidence that despite the current state of the world, violence has drastically decreased over centuries, and there is hope for a more peaceful future.

This book is a perfect read for individuals that are interested in the history and psychology of violence and want to understand the decline of violence over time through empirical evidence and analysis. It is also suitable for those who enjoy challenging their assumptions and exploring controversial ideas.

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The Better Angels of Our Nature

Key ideas


Violence Declined Throughout Human History


Evolution of Human Empathy and SelfControl

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Role of Government in Reducing Violence

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Impact of Commerce on Peaceful Societies

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Feminization and Decreased Violence

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Expanding Circle of Moral Consideration

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Power of Reason in Overcoming Violence

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Summary & Review

In "The Better Angels of Our Nature", Steven Pinker reveals the decline of violence throughout human history and provides insights into the reasons behind this trend. By analyzing data from various sources, he proves that we live in the most peaceful era of human history. This book is an eye-opener and a call to action for all of us. Here are ten actions we can take to implement the learnings from the book into our own lives.

Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker is a renowned cognitive scientist, linguist, and author who has made significant contributions to the study of language, human nature, and the mind. He is a professor of psychology at Harvard University and has been named one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. Pinker is also a frequent contributor to publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Atlantic, where he writes about a range of topics including psychology, politics, and culture. He is known for his clear and accessible writing style, as well as his commitment to evidence-based reasoning and scientific inquiry.

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