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Digital Work Design by Isabell M. Welpe
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## Digital Work Design: Die Big Five für Arbeit, Führung und Organisation im digitalen Zeitalter **Extended Synopsis:** The digital revolution is transforming the world of work at an unprecedented pace. The lines between work and personal life are blurring, traditional hierarchies are crumbling, and new technologies are constantly emerging. In this rapidly evolving landscape, it is more important than ever for companies and employees to adapt and thrive. "Digital Work Design" offers a practical and research-based guide to navigating this new world of work. Authored by leading experts Isabell M. Welpe, Prisca Brosi, and Tanja Schwarzmüller, the book presents a clear framework - "The Big Five" - for designing work, leadership, and organizational structures that are fit for the digital age. The book delves into five key dimensions crucial for success in the digital era: * **New Work:** Explore the changing nature of work itself, including the rise of remote work, flexible schedules, and the gig economy. The authors provide insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by these new ways of working. * **New Leadership:** Discover the evolving role of leadership in the digital age. Traditional command-and-control approaches are becoming obsolete, replaced by the need for agile, collaborative, and empowering leadership styles. * **New Organization:** Traditional organizational structures are being challenged by the need for agility and responsiveness. The book explores new organizational models, such as holacracy and agile methodologies, and discusses how to build a more flexible and adaptable organization. * **New Thinking:** Digital transformation requires a shift in mindset. The authors highlight the importance of embracing innovation, experimentation, and a growth mindset to succeed in the digital age. * **New Learning:** Continuous learning and development are paramount in the rapidly changing digital landscape. The book provides guidance on fostering a culture of learning within organizations and equipping employees with the skills they need for the future of work. Through practical examples, case studies, and actionable advice, "Digital Work Design" equips readers with the knowledge and tools to: * Design motivating and productive digital work environments. * Develop effective leadership styles for the digital age. * Create agile and adaptable organizational structures. * Foster a culture of innovation and learning. * Thrive in the ever-evolving world of digital work. **FAQs** **Q: Who is this book for?** A: This book is essential reading for managers, leaders, HR professionals, and anyone interested in understanding and shaping the future of work in the digital age. **Q: Is this book only relevant for tech companies?** A: No, the principles and strategies outlined in this book are applicable to organizations of all sizes and industries that are undergoing digital transformation. **Q: Is this book only theoretical, or does it offer practical advice?** A: "Digital Work Design" strikes a balance between research-based insights and practical advice. It provides a framework for understanding the challenges and opportunities of digital work, as well as actionable strategies for implementation. **Q: What makes this book different from other books on digital transformation?** A: This book goes beyond simply describing the challenges of digital transformation. It provides a concrete framework – "The Big Five" – and practical tools for designing work, leadership, and organizational structures specifically for the digital age. **Q: Does this book address the potential downsides of digital work, such as work-life balance and employee well-being?** A: Yes, the authors acknowledge the potential downsides of digital work and emphasize the importance of designing work environments that promote employee well-being, work-life balance, and a sense of purpose.

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