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Der Medicus by Noah Gordon
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## Der Medicus: A Journey of Healing and Discovery **An orphaned boy, a forbidden knowledge, and a perilous journey across continents in pursuit of a dream.** Noah Gordon's "Der Medicus" tells the captivating story of Rob Cole, an 11th-century English boy who is orphaned and left to fend for himself. Taken in by a barber-surgeon, Rob develops a fascination with the healing arts. However, medieval Europe offers limited medical knowledge, shrouded in superstition and religious dogma. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to truly heal, Rob embarks on a perilous journey to Persia, the only land where the practice of medicine is said to flourish. His destination: the famed Isfahan academy, where the legendary physician Avicenna imparts his wisdom. Disguising himself as a Jew to enter the forbidden world of Islamic scholarship, Rob faces prejudice, cultural clashes, and the ever-present threat of religious persecution. He endures hardship and loss, his determination tested at every turn. Yet, his passion for medicine and his unwavering commitment to alleviate suffering propel him forward. Through Rob's experiences, "Der Medicus" paints a vivid tapestry of life in 11th-century Europe and the Middle East. The novel delves into the clash between faith and reason, the pursuit of knowledge in a restrictive society, and the universal human desire for healing and understanding. More than just a historical novel, "Der Medicus" is a timeless story about ambition, sacrifice, and the enduring power of the human spirit to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in pursuit of a noble goal. ## FAQs **1. Is "Der Medicus" based on a true story?** While the story itself is fictional, Noah Gordon drew inspiration from historical figures and events. Avicenna was a real Persian polymath and physician, considered one of the most significant thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age. The novel accurately portrays the advanced state of medicine in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages, contrasting it with the limitations faced in Europe. **2. Is the book suitable for readers unfamiliar with historical fiction?** Absolutely! "Der Medicus" is written in an engaging and accessible style, drawing readers into Rob's world and making the historical setting vivid and relatable. The themes explored, such as ambition, love, loss, and the pursuit of knowledge, are universal and resonate deeply with readers from all backgrounds. **3. What can I expect to learn from reading "Der Medicus"?** Beyond being a captivating story, "Der Medicus" offers a glimpse into the history of medicine, highlighting the cultural exchange between East and West. Readers will gain insights into medieval life, the challenges faced by physicians, and the ongoing struggle between superstition and scientific inquiry. **4. Is "Der Medicus" part of a series?** While "Der Medicus" is a standalone novel, it is followed by two sequels, "Shaman" and "The Last Jew," which continue to explore the world of medicine and the legacy of Rob Cole's family. However, each book can be enjoyed independently.

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